Thinking of designing your new website to level up your digital marketing? Good on you! A website can be a fantastic asset to your business IF it is created with the right intention. There is much more to your site than a pretty design with cool digital effects.
Here’s what you need to do before hiring a web designer:
1. Set your website goals
You should start by having the end in sight. What are the main objectives of your new website? Is it to sell a product? To book a service? To have people sign up for your newsletter or course? Whatever it may be, make sure you have clarity and know the purpose behind your website. Read all about the different website goals here. Backing your site with strategy is crucial.
2. Know your digital audience
Who is your Target Audience? Write down your ideal client’s age, gender, income bracket, pain points, likes, the media they consume, etc. Later on, when you’re thinking about your website content and
working with your designer, always keep your target audience in mind. This will help ensure you are attracting your ideal client with your website copy and the look and feel of your design. Designing strategically for your ideal client’s preferences, instead of your own personal likes and dislikes, is vital to your website’s success.
*Pro tip: Your website should not reflect YOUR favourite colours, fonts, etc. It should always reflect what your ideal client is looking for. Read ‘building a storybrand’ by Donald Miller to help you get into this mindset.
3. Consider your brand
Your brand is much more than just a logo. Understand why you do what you do and what you stand for. Have you defined your value proposition? Is your colour palette sorted? Do you have a logo? Branding that is strategically designed to attract your ideal target market from the start will put your business 10 steps ahead of your competition. This branding should and will be reflected in your website so getting it sorted before creating your website is an important step.
4. Think about your site navigation
It’s time to think about what pages you might have on your website. It’s good to have a rough idea of what pages you want before starting to work with your designer. Websites typically have Home, About, Contact, Services and Blog. Jot down what information you need your user to have and what pages that content would most likely belong on.
5. Don’t forget website copy
Not enough new business owners take this point seriously enough. Remember: Content leads to action. Do you know what tone of voice your website copy should have? Do you want to write your copy yourself or rather work with a professional for website copy/copywriting assistance? Do you want some helpful resources on your site when it launches? Start writing some blogs!
6. Gather visuals for your website’s design
In case you haven’t gotten professional photos taken yet, this would be the perfect time to do so! Thinking of getting custom illustrations done to explain your services better? Make it happen! Having personalised and relatable images on your brand’s website is key to helping you stand out. If you’re on a budget, no worries! Sourcing top-notch stock photography or vector images is also an option.
7. Get those Testimonials
Lastly, consider gathering testimonials from past clients to showcase on your website. There are so many benefits to adding testimonials to your marketing collateral. This is how I get testimonials from my clients, in case you need some ideas!
Ready to get your website designed?
Now that you have seriously considered the seven points above, you may be ready to hire a creative partner for your business! Hiring the right designer for your business is a whole other subject itself. Luckily, we already have some tips on this topic in our blog post: 6 steps to consider when choosing a creative partner.
Contact the studio to leave your web project in good hands.